: 02 9920096-99 , Fax : 029920095 press 0
Mobile : 082-9851115
E-mail :
[email protected]
Minimum training:
40 Hours / 10 days
1.For both men and women - age 16 years old above,
2.No knowledge of MuayThai required.
1. To learn and to understand Thai cultures, Thai tradition
and customs.
2. To learn and to understand MuayThai history, values and principles.
3. To appreciate and to have right attitiues on Thai cultures, Thai
tradition and customs.
4. To learn/train basic skills of MuayThai, e.g.
- Clenching the fist
- Hand Wraps
- WaiKru >> respect to His Majestic's the King and Queen, your
country, parents, teachers-master-trainers-coach, your opponent and
- Guarding, footwork and stepping
- Defending
- Using various parts of the body as a weapon >> punching, kicking,
- Pad Work, Sandbag
Study Time:
1. Training for 10 days, 6 days a week (Rest on Sunday),
twice a day, 2 hours per session.
2. We have 4 sessions class a day, this course you can choose to train
2-3 sessions a day (any session, any day)
>> Morning Class : 07.00 - 09.00
>> Noon Class : 12.00 - 14.00
>> Afternoon Class : 15.00 - 17.00
>> Evening Class : 17.30 - 19.30
Remark : After training, you should use the fitness
facilities to warm down for 15-20 minutes
Examination : --> MuayThai
1 (Basic Course) >> 75% pass, exam has 2 parts;
Part 1 : MuayThai Exam
After you finish all lessons of our MuayThai curriculum in this course
then our masters will appointment the day to exam your skills by 3
masters give you scores, the exam time will be at 14.00-15.00 only,
Our masters will give you a score and grade (A, B, C, D, and F) on
paper tests then we will summary your scores and average, if you get
over than 75% you will pass our exam and MuayThai Certificate and
MuayThai Transcript recognized by Ministry
of Eduation, World MuayThai Council and MuayThai Institute.
In case, if you fail the exam, you can train more what you fail and
you still have one more chance to do re-exam without any fee of charge.
If you still fail, you must register the course again.
Part 2 : Physical Tests
To record personal physical abilities, doesn't has
any effect to MuayThai Exam scores.
Remark : Our institute always develope and upgrade all of our MuayThai
courses for more intensive and appropriate every year.
This page last update : Feb 10, 2013
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